Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Epic China Adventure Day 2: Terracotta Warriors

Woke up at 7 a.m. on Saturday to get breakfast, and everybody was off to the train station by 9 to catch a bus to see the Terracotta Warriors.

When we boarded the bus, the bus employees were playing incredibly loud techno music videos which were pretty much women pole dancing. It was probably the most abrasive thing ever at that hour of the morning. Definitely the kind of thing that wouldn't fly with a bus company in the U.S., but funny.

We arrived and hired a guide for 150 yuan, which we probably could have haggled down. We got a 2 hour tour though, so for 25 yuan a piece, I can't really complain. We proceeded to walk around and get the standard run down. I'll spare the history except that the first emperor to unite china built a crazy burial site that included 50,000 detailed, life-size warriors comprised of all the ranks of a real army at the time.

For more go to:
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Terracotta_Army (link may or may not work)

Building 1 of 3 housing the most terracotta warriors. These guys were found in up to about 300 pieces and have been reassembled. This is only a fraction, and it may take 50 years or more to put the rest together.

Got back at about 3:30, and found a dingy restaurant for a late lunch/early dinner. Picked up my train ticket that a friend of Jerry's had bought for me, surfed the internet, started to feel really sick, and went to Pizza Hut since Kyle and Tom hadn't eaten with us. Pizza Hut was bizarrely upscale and expensive, so I'm glad I wasn't very hungry.

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