Wednesday, March 5, 2008

I leave the U.S. and everything goes to hell...

Barack Obama still doesn't have the nomination, and now, Brett Favre retires!


All I've been doing is studying and hanging out, nothing very interesting. On Thursday, we had our dinner/KTV extravaganza with our roommates, which was pretty standard. On Saturday, I worked for 6 hours at a english voice recording job, recording the listening section of 20 different tests. It was pretty mind numbing, we (Shirlene and I) got one 10 minute break in the middle. It was not enjoyable, but I did get paid 150 kuai (A little over $20 an hour). I may do it again this weekend since the money's so good.

The beginning of the week was heavy on homework. A dialogue for speaking class on Monday and several book exercises and a couple texts to read, 60 word vocab dictation test and a 400 character essay on Tuesday. Also on Tuesday, I had my first one-on-one reading class with my professor.

So I've been taking it easy since then. Looking forward to getting done with my last 2 hours of class tomorrow from 8-10 and then the weekend.

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