Monday, February 18, 2008


Over the weekend, a couple guys came from Shanghai, so I went out with them both nights. Helped out new people buy cell phones on Saturday and went back to the Massacre museum on Sunday. Last time, it had been overrun with people because of the anniversary, so I had only seen the mass graves and Peace monument, not the actual museum itself. The Museum is huge with thousands of artifacts and pictures. It seemed almost like evidence for some sort of court proceeding against the Japanese. No mention of the dropping of the bomb, but plenty of mention of Chinese resistance triumphing over the Japanese invaders. Not outright bias in most things, just bias by what was omitted. Disturbing as always. If you want to know more go to

Class started today at 8 a.m. I had been placed in an A2 class, which was more like an A/B class, so I will be trying the A class tomorrow. The A2 class would be fine, but I want a challenging class. I've been lazy with my Chinese lately, so it needs something to jump start it. Only three days of class this week, and then we have our orientation field trip to Xi'an. I've already been there, but it should be fun anyway.

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