Saturday, September 8, 2007

Birthday Party

The Party
Last night I went to a friend of a friend's Grandfather's 70th birthday party (another one of Dongxu from Madison's friends). It was in Tai Zhou City which is a 2 hour drive to the northwest, about half way to Lianyungang.

The guys extended family is originally from Tai Zhou and his father had moved to Nanjing. There were about 22 people who went to some fancy restaurant for a big dinner. His grampa, grandma, aunts, uncles (by far the most were uncles which constituted both his dad's cousins and brothers), and some others who I had no idea how they were related.

The meal was huge and started with this delicious cake which I proceeded to eat with chopsticks. Then on to the other dishes with new ones coming out pretty much continuously. I ate fish stomach in tomato sauce which was surprisingly good. Cow stomach was OK I only had a strand. A lot of fish and other seafood. The meal ended with the traditional birthday noodles that you eat for longevity or something like that.

Throughout the meal people kept moving around the room making toasts and having me raise my glass and cheers with them. The impressive thing is how much baijiu they were drinking. Baijiu is a "white wine" distilled from sorghum, rice, or pretty much anything you feel like. It's over 100 proof I know and tastes pretty awful. I did one toast with it and was like I'm done. But some people drank entire wineglasses full of this stuff. I was impressed.

Baijiu. Note how much the bottle looks like it could contain motor oil.

Photo Credit: Mark Bussinger (Wikipedia says I can use it if I credit it)

It lasted probably two and a half hours in all. I really didn't know much of what was going on because people had accents and would periodically speak in some local dialect. It was very interesting and I'm glad I went. I shared the guy's hotel room and got back the next morning just before noon.

Unfortunately, I had left my camera in the car so I didn't get any pictures. The guy, William might send me some that I can post.

Posting comments is now alright
So apparently tuition at Northwestern pays for something because NU IT has a section on there website about making a computer portal to get around blocked stuff. The other guy from NU showed it to me and I can now view this blog along with Wikipedia. So feel free to respond to these posts however you feel like.


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